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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Online Presence – The Brand

We are accessing a new period, where our presence in the online communities is needed to showcase our accomplishments, body of work, character and ingenuity. We have reached a milestone where students can attain a position in the world community. As we establish the online presence, we are in essence creating a brand for ourselves. Like all the brands we need to be watchful of the image, persona and integrity with which you, the brand, will be known for. The content that is display needs to be professional in nature and specific.

By creating your online dossier, you are communicating to the world audience at large the value added proposition that you were bringing to society as well as a potential employer. Some of the content that  we should provide the online site are:

- Career Goals
-CV or Resume
-Letters of Accommodation
- Contact Information
- Coursework
- Special Projects
- Research
- Leadership & Outreach
- Creative endeavors

Try not to surpass from 7 to 10 pages. As you construct your online presence be watchful of your grammar, word usage and style. Remember that you are building a brand, you.

Web Market Florida